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Published on Jan 19, 2018

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Different Groups of Olmecs

  • Chief or prominent family lived by large mound located in the center of the community
  • Status of families was determined by how far they lived from the mound.
  • Mound was always dedicated to their main God
Photo by Gary Denness

What Did the Olmecs do?

  • The Olmecs were the first major civilization in Mexico. They lived in the tropical lowland on the Gulf of Mexico which is the present-day Mexico states of Veracruze and Tabasco.
  • The name Olmecs is nahuatl-the Aztec language-word it means the rubber people
Photo by dvcronan


  • Nuts
  • Squash.
  • Beans.
  • Sweet Potatoes.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Fish.
  • Clams
  • Turtles
Photo by LUM3N

What does it Look like?

  • Their homes were made out of big rocks.
  • Their tools were made out of clay, stone, bone,wood,deer,antlees.

Where was the Civilization?

  • Location on the gulf is were Veracruz and Tabaco.
Photo by Cem Sagisman


  • Olmecs art,gods,glyphic writing helped form Mayan + Aztec culture.
  • Olmecs Civilzation went into decline by 400 BCE and no one knows why
Photo by Gary Denness

WRITTEN BY, Mistieriyah Jordan.