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once upon a time

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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once upon a time

Photo by Pilottage

a mean old monster

kidnapped a young princess
Photo by Will Montague

the princess

cried and cried
Photo by Werner Kunz

Please let me go home

but the mean old monster

just opened a bottle of beer

and he drank and drank
Photo by Sam Ilić

I will sing for you

the pricess started to sing
Photo by ~BC~

the monster was enchanted

Sing some more demanded the monster

so she did

she sang and sang 
Photo by Len Radin

until the monster

fell asleep
Photo by rent-a-moose

she quickly

ran away
Photo by DouG!!

into a big city

with lots of people

she was very

Photo by kevin dooley

so she  began to sing

all of a sudden
Photo by Leonrw

people began tossing gold

at her feet

when she stopped

the people demanded that she sing
Photo by szeke

so she did

until her voice cracked
Photo by j03

and she could

sing no more
Photo by ste 71

she began to teach

little children to sing together

the children loved her

because she was so interesting and funny and kind
Photo by @ifatma.

the children sang

all over the world
Photo by willem+goos

everywhere they went

the people loved them

one day a scholar came along

and took over the leadership of the children's choir

and sent the princess

Photo by FreddieBrown

to the desert

Photo by Daveness_98

she missed the children

"How can I get to be the leader of the choir"
Photo by cliff1066™

a little quail

hopped on top of the pile of rocks
Photo by planetc1


the little quail said over and over
Photo by Hiyashi Haka

"That is what I shall do"

I will become a scholar and be the leader once again.

It took years

but the princess became a PhD

She became queen

of the chorus

it took so long

to become a scholar

her singing voice

returned and she sang with the choir
Photo by Leo Reynolds

the princess Dr.

lived happily ever after

advise from the Dr. Princess

be strong, confident, motivated.
Photo by marsmet548

don't let others

make you feel awkward or inadequate 

focus on what needs to be done now

to be ready for future oppertunities