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Slide Notes

Through this discussion, you will:
Discuss the role of online learning in higher education
Identify the types of online learning
Discuss the benefits and challenges of online learning
Identify characteristics of successful online learners
Identify best practices in online instruction
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Online Learning

Published on Nov 18, 2015

An overview of online learning.


Online Learning

Through this discussion, you will:
Discuss the role of online learning in higher education
Identify the types of online learning
Discuss the benefits and challenges of online learning
Identify characteristics of successful online learners
Identify best practices in online instruction
Photo by mkhmarketing

Through this discussion, you will:
1. Discuss the role of & trends in online learning in higher education
2. Identify the types of online learning
3. Discuss the benefits & challenges of online learning
4. Identify characteristics of successful online learners
5. Identify best practices in online instruction

Have you taken an online or hybrid course?

Photo by angeloangelo


  • Increased online enrollment
  • Success in blended learning
  • Access to technology
  • Development of MOOCs

ECAR Survey

Photo by mstephens7

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning

Students in online conditions performed modestly better, on average, than those learning
the same material through traditional face-to-face instruction.

Photo by OliBac

Instruction combining online and face-to-face elements had a larger advantage relative
to purely face-to-face instruction than did purely online instruction.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Best Practices

There are a number of best practices in online learning. For an instructor the following are critical:
1. Obtain training in the Learning Management System
2. Obtain guidance from an instructional designer
3. Provide clear and concise instructions
4. Ensure that the course is aligned
5. Provide many opportunities to orient the students to your class
6. Keep in contact with your students
7. Provide timely feedback on assignments and responses to emails and other communications

Smarter Measure

  • Self motivation & self discipline
  • Time management skills
  • On-screen Reading Rate and Recall
  • Persistence
  • Ability to use technology

The Future

Photo by Mylla