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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Online Meeting

Etiquette 101
Photo by davidbaeza

Be Punctual

Early = On Time
Try to log in at least 5 minutes early for your call if you are an attendee, and 20 minutes early is you are the organiser.

This gives you time to sort out any connection issues that may crop up (what was the log in code again? Oh NO! my WiFi won't connect) without hampering the progress of the meeting.

An added bonus is that if you log in without any hassles, you are able to test your mic and camera settings, and chat with other early birds.
Photo by mrlins

Private Space

no one wants to hear your calls
No one likes working while someone is jabbering away behind them (Can you hear me? Can you hear me now??)

Book a meeting room, or find a nice private space where you feel confident that you can discuss confidential matters without worrying that someone can hear you.
Photo by inrepose

Background Noise

eliminate it ...
Few things are more annoying than trying to hear what someone is saying, but all you get is the dog barking in the background or the trucks driving past.

Shut the doors, shoo animals away if necessary, and settle in for your meeting
Photo by Scott*

Use Headphones

computer speaker feedback is the enemy
You have found a quiet space, you have eliminated background noise, why not just listen to the meeting through your computer speakers? No one can hear you right?

Well that may be true, but your microphone can hear your speakers, and will pick up and transmit whatever comes through them, which leaves the rest of the meeting reeling from the audio feedback.

Headphones are for everyone.


your microphone when not speaking
Your microphone will pick up all kinds of noise; from the air conditioner running in the background, to the sound of your keys typing as you make comments and notes, as well as the interruption that just came through your closed door.

If you have the option, always mute your microphone when you are not actively speaking. This also helps free up bandwidth and improve audio quality.
Photo by fensterbme


before you speak
Even the best online meeting platforms will have a slight delay in transmitting of audio.

While you may be very excited and have a valid point, wait until the speaker has finished and then give a 1sec gap before jumping in to talk. This gives all participants a chance to hear everything, and allows you to be sure that the speaker is finished before you start talking. What if they were just taking a breath?

No one likes being talked over in regular conversation, so why would you do it online?

You may think that you are adding to the conversation, but you can be detracting from it.

Photo by garryknight


lighting is everything
Dark silhouettes look lovely in photography by don't work when using a webcam in a meeting.

To avoid looking like you are confidential informant, make sure that your lighting is not coming from directly behind you, but slightly in front of you so that your face is clearly visible.
Photo by reidab


neutral backgrounds work
You want to be seen as fun and exciting, and that is great, but you don't want to be seen as the person with the plant growing out of your head, and believe me, after 30min on a call, that is ALL people will see.

Keep your background as neutral as possible. Don't be afraid to take a painting off of the wall if you think people may find it more interesting than you at some point.
Photo by BurgTender


look at the webcam not your screen
It can be difficult, especially when you are starting out, but looking directly into the camera allows your viewers to feel like they are meeting with you, not watching you as you watch your screen.

If it feels strange having a conversation with a lens, put a picture or little Lego man next to it and talk to that.

When you look at what is happening on your screen more than your camera, your audience feels alienated.
Photo by brianjmatis


everyone can now enjoy the meeting
Go forth and conquer!

You, and those meeting with you online will, now be able to have a smooth running meeting and everyone will enjoy the experience a lot more.
Photo by VinothChandar