
Published on Oct 22, 2018

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The King and Queen of Thebes Laius and Jocasta just had a child and decided to travel to the oracle at Delphi who informed the couple that the baby was fated to kill his father and marry his mother.

When the king heard of the fate of the baby he went and bound the babies feet and left him on the mountain where he was found by shepherds from Corinth and taken back to the King and queen.

Once Oedipus was older listening to the oracles at Delphi he hears his fate and assumes it is about Polybus and Merope and leaves to avoid hurting his family.

Oedipus heads in the direction of Thebes in a carriage an and meets a man on his way there, they get into a quarrel over who should be allowed to pass first and Oedipus and murders the presumed stranger.

After Oedipus arrives in Thebes he encounters the Sphinx that has been terrorizing everyone, He answers the riddle “What walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening? “ With "A human being, who crawls as an infant, walks erect in maturity, and leans on a staff in old age." the Sphinx kills itself in rage. Oedipus then has the queens hand in marriage and they have two sons and daughters.

A plague descended upon Thebes and would not be gone until the killer of King Laius was driven out. Soon Polybus died and Oedipus was summoned home, he explained to his wife his fate and she explained how the Oracle had told her the same thing but her husband was killed randomly on the road to Delphi. Oedipus and his mother ended up putting two and two together.

Once Oedipus mother realized she had married her son who also killed her husband, the king, she committed suicide by hanging herself and when found by Oedipus he blinded himself from a pin from her dress and then him and his daughters Antigone and Ismene were exiled .