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Operant Conditioning

Published on Dec 07, 2015

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Operant Conditioning



  • Behavior is affected by its consequences.
  • It forms an association between the response (behavior) and the stimulus (consequence)

Experiments in Rats

  • Hungry rat is put in a box and fed by a dispenser equipped with a lever
  • When the rat pushes down on the lever, food is released
  • In this case, the sound of the food being dispensed is the reinforcer
  • After multiple attempts, when the rat presses the lever and food is not dispensed, the behavior is stopped
Photo by PKMousie

Principles of Operant Conditioning

  • Behavior that is positively reinforced will reoccur; intermittent reinforcement is effective
  • Information should be presented in small amounts so that responses can be reinforced
  • Reinforcements will generalize across similar stimuli, producing secondary conditioning
Photo by jeffreyw

Positive vs Negative Reinforcement

  • A reinforcer strengthens the desired response
  • Positive Reinforcement: verbal praise, good grades, a feeling of accomplishment
  • Negative Reinforcement: results in the increased frequency of response when taken away (NOT punishment)

Four Possible Consequences: Reinforcement

  • Something good can start or be presented, so behavior increases= Positive Reinforcement
  • Something bad can end or be taken away, so behavior increases= Negative Reinforcement

Four Possible Consequences: Punishment

  • Something good can end or be taken away, so behavior decreases= Negative Punishment
  • Something bad can start or be presented, so behavior decreases= Positive Punishment
Photo by kenteegardin