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Ty Beaver and Terrell Gilmore,Ty-tionah Daceus

Photo by Fluffymuppet

Opium is a narcotic made from the white liquid in the poppy plant. Opium is found as a black or brown block of tar like powder. It is also available in liquid and solid. It can be smoked, intravenously injected, or taken in pill form. It's illegal in the U.S.

Photo by soul_motor

What's in it?

  • morphine
  • codeine
  • thebaine
  • papaverine
Photo by sfxeric

Opium has a short and long term effect. In the short term, it cause euphoria and makes you start breathing slow. The use of opium and other substances that depress the central nervous system, such as alcohol, antihistamines, etc, will increase the risk of life-threatening respiratory depression. In the long term, opium use can lead to physical dependence and addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can occur if long term use is reduced or stopped

Photo by jesse.millan

From sources I found online, people said taking opium is like marijuana but it's really stronger. Everything you touch will feels nice and soft to you.

People usually smoke opium but it can also be eaten, consumed by liquid, or injected.

Opium relates to A.T.O.D. because people have been loosing their mind over it and having mood swings.If they are with family members they can hurt them unless if they get help. To avoid doing it, prevent yourself from doing it and help others around you who use this drug.

The things we learned from this drug is that opium is a drug that comes from a seed pod and also opium is a highly addictive drug that can mess with a human's emotions.

Photo by ykanazawa1999

Famous people who Use Opium

  • Billie Holiday
  • Charles Dickens
  • Florence Nightengale
  • Marcus Aurelius
  • Bela Lugosi
  • Lewis Caroll


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