Importance of Vitamin B's
- Vitamins B (1 - 12 )
- B 1- Thiamine
- B 2- Riboflavin
- B 3 -Niacin
- B 5 -Pantothenic Acid
- B-6 - Pyridoxine, (plant sources) Pryridoxamine Pyridoxal (animal sources the more bioavailable forms), P-5-P shown in some studies to help minimize the symptoms of depression
- B 9 FOLATE Together with iron can help to minimize risks of iron deficiency anemia,as well as minimize certain birth defects.
- B 12- COBALAMIN Involved in RBC production. Together with Folate and B6 assists with proper synthesis of the building blocks of proteins/amino acids.
Function: Nerve & Muscle
Affects: Weight and Appetite
Good Sources: Beans, Liver
Function: Healthy skin, mouth and eyes
Affects: Dim vision, keyatitis, photophobia
Good sources: Milk, cheese, vegetables, eggs, Meat, chicken, liver
Affects: Pellagra
Good Sources: Meat, fish, eggs,vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts
Affects: Paresthesia
Good sources: meat, broccoli, avocados
Function: Disease Resistance, Amino Acid Metabolism
Deficiency: Small red blood cells with low levels of hemoglobin,poor resistance to disease, anemia
Good Sources: milk, sweet corn, beans, dry fruits, nuts, pulses, fish, mutton, liver
Deficiency: Megaloblast, Pregnancy Defects
Good sources: leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver
B 12
Function: Red Blood Cells, Nitrogen Metabolism
Deficiency Pernicious Anemia
Good Sources: milk, cheese, eggs, mutton, liver