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Oral Tradition and Misunderstood Culture

Published on Jan 06, 2016

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Oral Tradition

and Misunderstood culture

central and crucial difference in the native and European cultures...

-presentation of their respective literatures

Native American oral tradition began far earlier than the invention of writing

European literature had the advantage of being recorded in the permanent record of the written word

Native American stories, myths, and songs were communicated from generation to generation

individualized according to the performer and the audience

-a fluidity of expression that cannot be captured in writing

-even if there were a way to effectively translate the language

myths and tales served a number of purposes

reinforced beliefs that the community desired to have communicated from generation to generation

tales of origin or emergence

served to teach morality
-consequences of misbehavior

-Oral narratives offered explanations for the natural world

-shape of the earth and why animals have particular characteristics

A Misunderstood Culture

little information about native populations was available to the Spanish when they colonized the southern and western reaches of America

-Not available to the English in New England

-nor to the French further north


singular incident of misguided thought was certain he had discovered India

initial encounter

Native Americans were misunderstood and misnamed Indians

European colonizers form of respect often "filled in the blank" according to their desires

-supposed the native cultures were inferior to their own
-in a position to take what they wanted

-resources of land
-upon occasion, the people themselves

-saw the native people as savages in need of Christianity
-imagined themselves as helping them and literally saving them

-Sometimes the Christian nations saw the Native Americans as envoys of the devil

-duty-bound to subdue and fight Satan

peace and cooperation between the native and adoptive cultures occured in short intervals

For example, when Massasoit, a Wampanoag Indian, taught the Pilgrims to plant corn and when he sat down with them for the fabled first Thanksgiving

unintentional and deliberate Misunderstandings

-fueled conflict
-unsettling for the population that was native to the land


  • Read John Smith "From The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles" "From A Description of New England" "From New England’s Trials"
  • Complete Discussion question(s)