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Oranges & Lies: Customer Interviews & Research

Published on Jun 15, 2017

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Oranges & Lies

Customer Interviews & Research
Photo by JD Hancock

Untitled Slide

Photo by Javmorcas

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Untitled Slide

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Photo by monkeyc.net

"What's more difficult for non-founders to understand is that your company — not you specifically, but a seed stage startup — is in the process of dying. If you don't make money, you can't pay their salaries, you shut down the company, you fail, etc. Every moment you exist without being profitable, you're moving towards your own death. Your job is to take this crazy thing you made up and will it into surviving... That's what you're up against."

Photo by WarzauWynn

Lies, Lies & Lies

  • Lie to yourself
  • Lie to the customer
  • Customer lies to you

"They" "want" "this"

I just have to sell this harder, better, stronger

"Would you like X?"

It does A, B and C!


Yes, yes, yes!


  • Who
  • When
  • Where
  • What
  • Why
  • How
Photo by einalem


Photo by Lst1984


Photo by kevinpoh


Photo by samgrover


Photo by GabrielaP93


Photo by włodi

You are dying
Stop lying to yourself
Truth is a process

May You Find Your Green Oranges