Oregon Landlord/Tenant Law

Published on Apr 25, 2016

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Oregon Landlord/Tenant Law

Photo by reallyboring

Statutory Framework

ORS Chapter 90

Landlord - Tenant Relationship

What Constitutes "Rent"
Photo by mohammadali

Screening Procedures

Fees, Services & Denial Letters
Photo by Mustafa Sayed

Housing Discrimination

Fair Housing and ADA

Rental Agreements

Fixed, Month-to-Month, Etc.
Photo by NobMouse

Prohibited Provisions

  • Waiver of rights under ORS 90
  • Confessions of judgment
  • Limitation on liability
  • Liquidated damages

Rules & Regulations

Photo by mick62

Landlord Duties

  • Weather protected dwelling
  • Adequate plumbing
  • Water supply
  • Heating
  • Electricity

Tenant Duties

  • Reasonable Use
  • Cleanliness
  • Avoid Disturbances

Notices to Terminate

  • Without Cause
  • With Cause
  • Illegal Activities
  • Nonpayment of Rent

Notice w/o Cause (month-to-month)

  • 30 day written notice
  • Either L or T
  • After 1 year, 60 day notice required

24 hr Noncurable

  • Threatening pet
  • Reckless endangerment
  • Substantial personal injury
  • Tenant provided false info
  • Outrageous or extreme conduct

Nonpayment of Rent

  • 72 hr notice
  • Not sooner than 8th day of rental period
  • Specify amount of rent (ONLY rent)
  • Specify due date

Service of Notices

Personal Service, First Class Mail, Post & Mail


  • Forcible Entry & Detainer ("FED")
  • Service of Notice
  • Lawsuit
  • First Appearance
  • Trial

Tenant Defenses

  • Habitability
  • Unlawful Access
  • Retaliation
  • Discrimination


  • Notice of Restitution
  • Writ of Execution
  • Sheriff Removal
  • Disposal of Belongings

Eviction Defenses

  • Defective Notice
  • Improper Service
  • Waiver
  • Lack of Good Faith
  • Retaliation

Does NOT Apply to:

  • Occupancy related to medical care
  • Occupancy prior to closing pursuant to agreement
  • Fraternaties
Photo by Joybot

Access to Dwelling

  • No prior notice required for emergencies or pursuant to agreement
  • Otherwise, 24hr notice
Photo by KRO-J