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organ of corti; hair cells

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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organ of corti; hair cells

By: Quinn bisbee

Deep inside your inner ear there lies a miraculous organ: the organ of corti. specifically its hair cells. Together they help us to hear any sounds, like sports announcers screaming "gooaaallll!", or our teachers giving lectures.

The organ of corti, and its hair cells, lie inside the inner ear. An organ called the cochlea (coke-lee-a) holds the organ of corti inside, and it’s inside the cochlear membrane where it works its magic. That being said, the organ of corti is very connected with multiple other organs and cells.

Photo by lintmachine

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The organ of corti is, in a nutshell, the connecting organ between sound waves, and the auditory cortex, where the sounds pitch, volume, and rhythm are analyzed. The organ of corti and its hair cells are made to help us hear. without them we would not be able to hear anything in the world.

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The organ of corti lies inside the nervous system. The nervous system has a central nervous system and a peripheral nervous system.

The organ of corti is a part of the peripheral nervous system. This means it takes something from the outside world and sends it to the central nervous system ( the brain).

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Some tissues that are helpful to know are, the tectorial membrane, the cochlea tissue, and the auditory nerve/cortex tissue.

The many parts of the organ of corti is the tectorial membrane, the supporting cells, the cochlear nerve, and the very important hair cells.

The hair cells are very important parts in the organ of corti. They take in vibrations from the tectorial membrane and release it to the brain.

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The most important organelles in the hair cell include: the sensory hairs, the basal bodies, the synaptic vesicles, and the nucleus.

Some different diseases or ailments of the inner ear are Menieres disease, deterioration of the cochlea, and the most common ailment of the ears-hearing loss.

Menieres disease is a chronic disease which causes random vertigo. Deterioration of the cochlea is just when the cochlea tissue starts to deteriorate.

Hearing loss is caused by many different ways, but one of the most common is too much noise. The loss of hearing is normally found in older people or middle aged people.

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Without the organ of corti and its hair cells nobody would be able to hear each other, and our world really would be pretty dull and boring without sound.