Glucose-C6H12O6 Chemical properties- 1.It can be obtained by decomposition through the action of water. 2.It is a major fuel store in plants, but is absent from animals where the equivalent is glycogen. Physical properties- 1. White. 2.Solid. Real life ex.- hypertonic chemical solution, & corn syrup.
Gasoline-2 C8H18 + 25 O2 → 16 CO2 + 18 H2O Chemical properties- 1. Flammable, 2. Chemicals occur in different amounts. Physical properties- 1. Insoluble. 2. Boiling point (20-200*C) Real life ex.- For cars, burning, running machines.
Carbohydrates-CH2O Chemical properties- 1.Store energy. 2.Hydrates of carbon. Physical properties- 1.Sugar & sweet taste. 2. Soluble in water. Real life ex.- Editable sugars & starches, fruits, and veggies.
Lactose-C12H22O11 Chemical properties- 1.Molar mass: 342.3 g/mol. 2.Density: 1.53 g/cm³. Physical properties- 1.Soluble in water & Ethanol. 2.Odorous. Real life ex.- Found in milk, other dairy products.
Insulin- Chemical properties- 1.Maintains sugar balance. 2.pumps blur sugar. Physical properties- 1.White and crystal powder. 2.Soluble. Real life ex.- Diabetes