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Published on Nov 18, 2015

This deck is used for the presentation to introduce osmium.




Photo by GrrlScientist


In 17th century platinum was first discovered in Columbia.

Smithson Tennant

'osme' means a smell in Greek

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physical properties

  • grey,silvery and hard 
  • density:22.59 g/cm3
  • melting point: 3306K
Photo by GrrlScientist

chemical properties

  • atomic number: 76
  • atomic mass: 190.23
  • oxidation states: -2 to +8
  • 34 isotopes and 7 of them are naturally formed
Photo by GrrlScientist

osmium tetroxide

toxic, volatile,water-soluble, yellow pale and corrosive with smell

osmium tetroxide

  • can be obtained from osmium dioxide
  • OsO2 + O2 → OsO4
  • can be obtained by exposing osmium with air
  • Os + 2O2 → OsO4

osmium dioxide

black, non-volatile and non-toxic without smell

alloyed with other metals

Osmium is used to add hardness to alloys

fountain pen tips

instrumental pivots

lamp filament

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Photo by live w mcs