Observe the affects on an egg placed in vinegar, water,and corn syrup. Then we are going to relate this to the osmosis in cells.
Experiment Materials
- 250 ml beakers (2)
- Chicken eggs (2)
- Triple beam balance or digital scale
- Safety googles
- Lab aprons
- Measuring tape
- Vinegar (approximately 400 ml)
- Plastic wrap (2 medium)
- Corn syrup (approximately 200 ml)
- Grease pencil or maker
- Egg1mass:54.2
- Circumference:14cm
- Egg 2 mass:54.9
- Circumference: 14cm
Day 1 questions
Why did you add vinegar to the eggs?
Answer: To dissolve the egg shell and represent Osmosis.
What do you think will happen to the egg overnight?
It will become soft and squishy, because absence of shell.
Day 2
The eggs were in water and corn syrup.
Egg 1 mass: 74.5
Circumference: 16cm
Egg 2:mass: 75.8
What happened to the mass of the egg? Why do you think this happened?
Answer: The mass increase a lot,because the egg absorbed the water.
What do you think will happen to the eggs?
Egg 1: Will become bigger, while egg 2 will get smaller.
Day 3
Egg 1was really squishy and soft, egg 2 was soft but had shrieked.
Egg1: mass 80
Circumference: 16.5 cm
Egg 2: mass 58.3
Circumference: 14 cm
What happened to egg in beaker 1?why do you think this happened? It got very big and soft, because of the water it absorbed.
What happened to the egg in beaker 2?why do you think this happened? The eggs shell dissolved because of the vinegar. And the egg later in corn syrup became small because of the corn syrup.
What do I you think Osmosis means?
I think it means the passing of fluids thought the egg and out.
Cell Membrane Research
What is the cell membrane made of? These membranes are composed primarily of phospholipids and proteins and are typically described as phospholipid bi-layers.
Which type of molecules go through the cell membrane easily?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide as well as small uncharged lipid molecules go through easily. Non-polar and small polar molecules are also cells that can easily pass.
What type of cells need help to get the thought the cell membrane? Large Polar Molecules as well as ions are cells that do not easily go through.