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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Page Odom 
Photo by ecstaticist

What is Osteogensis?

  • a disorder charatesized by bones that break easily and often from little or no apparent reason
  • also known as "Brittle Bone Disease"
Photo by glsims99

How many people are affected?

  • somewhere between 20,000 and 50,00
Photo by Carbon Arc

Who does it affect?

  • It shows no discrimination
  • affects both sexs and all ethnic groups
Photo by imaginedp


  • malformed bones
  • short, small body
  • loose joints
  • muscle weakness

Symptoms continued

  • Sclera that look blue, purple, or grey
  • barrel-shaped rib cage
  • type 1 collagen that doesnt work well
  • not enough collagen


  • No treatment but symptoms can be managed
  • care for broken bones
  • Prescribed pain medicaton
  • physical therapy

people affected with osteogenesis


  • Current bone density testing is a simple screening method that can be used to find thinning of bone.
  • The medications now available to treat osteoporosis substantially reduce the risk of fractures in patients with

Meet Brennan

  • A mid-term ultrasound at 19 weeks showed abnormally small and bowed femur bones, with the possibility of a fracture in his femur
  • Despite plans for a scheduled delivery, Brennan came early. He was born at 37 weeks with four new fractures—one in each arm and leg. He began his first intravenous infusion of Pamidronate, a medicine used to strengthen bones, decrease pain and reduce fracture rates, at five days old.

Brennan continued

  • “The Pamidronate has been amazing. Every time he had a treatment, a few days afterward, he would do something new he wasn’t able to do just days earlier. It was so obvious to me that it was the Pamidronate.” Brennan also gets weekly physical therapy in the home through the federal early intervention/birth to three year-old program as well as a session at a local therapy center.

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