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This plan of sacrifice is the key to our success as a family. In the words of Dave Ramsey "If you will live like no one else, LATER you can LIVE like no one else." Unless success was inherited, and even then in some cases, I have not seen one person who is truly successful and happy without some form of struggle and sacrifice. We can't cheat life. Life knows what we put in and will only give us back what we put in!

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Our Road To Success

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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This plan of sacrifice is the key to our success as a family. In the words of Dave Ramsey "If you will live like no one else, LATER you can LIVE like no one else." Unless success was inherited, and even then in some cases, I have not seen one person who is truly successful and happy without some form of struggle and sacrifice. We can't cheat life. Life knows what we put in and will only give us back what we put in!



  • Lower the expenses to be able to invest in our success
  • Build credit to excellent scores to be able to have whatever we want
  • Build solid businesses
  • Increase our education through reading, seminars, experience, networking, etc.
  • Be accountable to one another
Photo by Jeff Hester


We start by decreasing the amount that we spend on housing. We are now spending $1335.00 on rent only and when it is time to renew our lease the price of rent will go up best case scenario to $1375.00 possible up to $1400.00/month. If we drop that down to $1000-$1050/month we are now saving at least $300-$400/ month. This is not including utilities and other household expenses. With these extras we can proceed to INVEST in ourselves. Into the business we want to start and own to take us out of our jobs. I have done research and there are apartments and also some townhomes or homes that are the same amt of bed and baths for the cheaper price. Especially in the Vinings area (which you love). These saving strategies will help us build emergency funds, fix and build our credit, buy things that we want to be able to put in the home that we purchase (new bed king size, pictures, kitchen tables, tvs, etc.) also it will give us more freedom for vacations, the car your want etc. one of our first sacrifices will be a big one, which also means the rewards will be big!!


A high credit score has become the Holy Grail for modern consumers who want to take advantage of low-interest credit cards and loans. Those with an excellent credit scores often have other advantages that help them save money as well.

What is an Excellent Credit Score - More than one organization produces credit scores for individuals. FICO credit scores are the most popular, so this article will focus on how this specific type of score can affect your lifestyle. FICO credit scores range from 300 to 850. Anything over 720 is considered excellent.

The Advantages of Excellent Credit When Borrowing Money -Â Some of the most notable advantages of having an excellent credit score over 720 occur when you want to borrow money from a lender. Today's consumers borrow money all the time. We borrow money to buy houses, cars, and other property, but we also borrow money when we want a convenient payment option at gas pumps and groceries.

An excellent credit score will usually qualify you for lower interest rates on all types of loans. This is true regardless of whether you take out a home mortgage or apply for a credit card. A high credit score tells lenders that you are a safe bet. You have paid your debts on time in the past, so it is reasonable to expect that you will continue to do so. Banks, credit unions, personal lenders, and credit card companies, therefore, want your business because they believe that you will pay them on time. Those with bad credit might not even qualify for high-interest loans and credit cards, but you get to take advantage of the lowest rates because companies can trust you to pay them.

The Advantages of Excellent Credit When Buying Services and Products - The advantages of an excellent credit score over 720 don't stop at low-interest loans and credit cards. If you have always had excellent credit, then you might not even know how many headaches you avoid and dollars you save when you buy services and products.

Auto insurance companies, for instance, usually offer lower rates to individuals with excellent credit. They surmise that people who are financially responsible are probably responsible in other areas of their lives as well, so they offer good-credit discounts to attract premium customers. Many utility companies also give better deals to people with excellent credit. If you have excellent credit, then you can often avoid deposits that utility companies commonly charge their customers. Your excellent credit score tells the company that you are able to pay your other bills on time, so they trust that you will pay them too. Saving money on deposits can also apply to other products and services. Car rentals, hotel rooms, and utility services are just a few of the areas where you will save money when you have an excellent credit score.

Earning an Excellent Credit Score of 720 and Higher -Â If you have poor or average credit, then you will want to boost your rating to take advantage of these benefits. Paying your bills on time and decreasing your reliance on credit can have a significant impact on your credit score. Once you have earned a credit score of 720 or higher, you might find that the money you save makes it even easier for you to maintain excellent score.



  • It takes a lot of time, some money, and a lot of sacrifice to build a successful business
  • By making adjustments to certain aspects of life that we are not use to adjusting and sticking with those adjustments, we create more of a spread to invest in our own future instead of everyone else's
  • Focus, dedication, HARD WORK, HARD WORK AND MORE HARD WORK. They say you have to let go of some stuff to get a hold of something better.
  • Networking, relationships, changing our circle and being DELIBERATE is what will help us to be successful
  • Theres no timetable to success. When u push and push and push consistently it just happens. Life rewards action! Your only 1 relationship away, only 1 real estate deal away, only 1 move away from being on the road you dream of being on.
Building business is a process as we already know. I know what your dreams are and you know what your dreams are, and fear of going after those dreams by any means necessary will have you hating life years later. We are at a age now where we have nothing to lose. If you want to be a business woman and be home with your kids, PURSUE IT!! Grind for it! The key to being great is all in our mindset, our focus, and what we focus on. Keeping God first, keeping the faith that no matter how many time we get knocked down its only building our character and making us stronger to be able to better handle the success that will come our way if we stay the course! No matter what happens! ITS NOT OVER UNTIL WE WIN!!



Knowledge is the new Money. But we cannot be stupid with this knowledge that we have. Having knowledge and not applying would deem you insane. We have the power to be great beyond our wildest dreams, so why not tap into that. I issue a challenge for us in accordance of our 2 year plan, to read a minimum of 1 hour per day. A book that taps into what we are trying to become. Whether it is a book to grow our business minds, spirituality, family, finances, self improvement, etc. By reading for a hour a day it gives is a total of a minimum of 30 hours a month which should allow us to read close to 3 books, if not 3 books per month. Flooding our minds with knowledge. The key is to apply the knowledge we obtain. Which will add to our success and makes us better individuals, leading to us being a better team and couple. We have to feed our mind. Without struggle there's no progress!

"The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance." Confucius
Photo by Éole


This plan ONLY works if we stay committed and accountable to one another. Meaning setting bi-weekly goals and sitting down to make sure each of us reach those goals. Checking in every quarter to make sure that we are on the right track to getting the things that we want to get done. Including business goals, personal goals, financial goals, marital goals, etc. trusting one another to do our best. Believing in each other that we can and will be Great! Average mind is no longer acceptable in this household, and it starts with US! We must look at the big picture and do the things we know need to be done so we can OWN our own! In every aspect of life possible to do so! OWNERSHIP ACROSS THE BOARD! Everything thing we do should line up with our goals and take us a step closer every single day!

Ex. Reference business cards
Ex. Reference wedding
Ex. Reference ESS