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Our Solar System

Published on Dec 28, 2015

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Our Solar System
By:Seymor Simon

Photo by tonynetone


  • If the sun we're hollow, it could fit about 1.3 million Earths inside. If the Earth were the basketball the sun would be the basketball court
  • In fact, the sun is about 600 times bigger than all the planets,moons,asteroids,comets,and meteoroids in the Solar System put together.
  • The sun uses about 4 million tons of hydrogen every second. Still,the sun has enough hydrogen to continue shining for another 5 to 6 billion years.
  • The sun has a inner atmosphere called the chromosphere and an outer atmosphere called the corona.
  • Our weather depends on the sun, without the sun, there would be no heat,no light,no clouds, no rain-no living thing on Earth.


  • Methane=An odorless,colorless,and flammable gas
  • Solar Eclipse=When the moon comes between the sun and Earth and hides some of the light coming from the sun
  • Sulfuric Acid=A dense and oily liquid formed when water and sulfur dioxide mix with oxygen
  • Nucleus=A core around which other parts of an object or an atom are rendered
  • Sunspot=A cooler and darker spot on the sun's surface that appears in groups and is linked to a strong magnetic fields
  • Axis=An imaginary line around which a a body or geometric object rotates
Photo by atomicshark

Meteoroids are small pieces of metal or rock that may have been swept off asteroids or comets.