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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Setting the scene
Confucius said that everyone has responsibilities and if everyone acts correctly you will have peace and harmony

Photo by Franco Folini

East Asia's achievements
Civilization- has a government laws and jobs

The glory that was china
The Great Wall of china- showed China's desire to keep away from other civilizations. Chinese pride- china viewed itself as the centre of the world. They had a reason to. They invented paper, gunpowder Silk weaving, magnetic compass
Printing press, clock work, the spinning wheel, and the water wheel. Emperor- the ruler of many lands and people. Dynasty- a series of rulers from the same family.

Photo by madiko83

A movement of people for. One region to another.

Photo by L-T-L

Years of Japanese isolation
Clans - a group of family's who claim a common ancestor. Japan was isolated to enforce rules.

Culture traits spread
Cultural diffusion- a spreading of ideas.

Photo by innoxiuss

Trade pressure and communism
Other countries wanted their share of east Asia

Conflict and communism
The leading countries collapsed because of greed

Photo by wstera2