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Overcoming "ADD" in Business

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Scattered time and attention is one seductive but ineffective way to run a business How can a business owner free themselves from the nonessential and focus on result driven behaviors?


Overcoming "ADD" in Business

Focus as it Relates to Business Success
Photo by pni

Attention deficit disorder

is the result of a chemical imbalance

which interferes

with focus and completion of tasks.

It's quite



Photo by Leshaines123

can be divided,

business owners

Are you making phone call, doing email blasts, and unnecessary paperwork

performing tasks they should be delegating.
Photo by Esparta

on your leadership team?

you can delegate to an assistant or someone
Photo by manhhai

By being more focused,

and exercising your expertise...
Photo by friggy_30

you are bringing excellence to your business

and growing revenues.

A client of mine

was an owner/principal of a school.

For years, he

I was called because he was on the cusp of burn out.
Photo by Ottoman42

had his hands in every

activity, performance,and meeting
Photo by Bisayan lady

at the school.

Photo by tncountryfan


you could regularly

find him at the school on the weekends doing eight hours.
Photo by Paul Watson

worried and incensed.

His leadership team was...
Photo by Lisa Brewster

He was negative,

critical and he was complaining about 
Photo by kevin dooley

insomnia, deep fatigue and other stress symptoms.

Photo by kevin dooley

Thinking that if he did things, it would be done right,

the truth was that he was dropping the ball 

and produced

substandard work.

The staff worried because the principal was showing extreme signs of stress.
They were incensed because they were capable.

The goal?

To get the principal to delegate...
Photo by firewarrior

resulted in...

We worked on limited beliefs that in time
Photo by brewbooks

working his expertise

and better performing his job duties.
Photo by cliff1066™



was restored to his staff...

They were

using their strengths and bearing the responsibilities 
Photo by Editor B

which meant

there was more motivation to reach the objectives of the school.

running at it's best.

that kept the school
Photo by tncountryfan

Because of that


the principle

achieved a life/balance

and the staff felt more buy-in

towards to the school.
Photo by SMBCollege

Create a list of your duties at work.

Prioritize. Which activities can you
Photo by SewPixie

Train them until

give someone on staff.
Photo by Rubink1

they do your former task at least 80% as

well as you.

Focus on your expertise

that brings in business
Photo by MTSOfan

and watch

the quality of the business soar

and increase revenues.

as you attract more customers
Photo by nffcnnr

Leadership Keys Unlimited

Rosalind Henderson, rosalindhenderson1@gmail.com