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Overcoming the barriers to the effective use of learning technology in education

Published on Apr 12, 2016

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overcoming the barriers to the effective use of learning technology in education

Photo by libraryman


Association for learning technology & UOS
From my perspective of being part of the Association for Learning Technology and also from my work with the University of Southampton
Photo by A_L_T

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Founded in 1993, ALT is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered charity number 1160039. We are the UK's leading membership organisation in the learning technology field. Our purpose is to ensure that use of learning technology is effective and efficient, informed by research and practice, and grounded in an understanding of the underlying technologies, their capabilities and the situations into which they are placed.

We do this by improving practice, promoting research, and influencing policy, through bringing together practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in learning technology.

Currently ALT has as members over 1600 individuals and over 200 organisations, including universities, colleges, Government departments, agencies, and software, hardware, and e-learning businesses

what are the trends?

There have been two ALT surveys, 2014 and 2015 that have asked about technologies that have become the focus of the work for institutions.


more important than ever 
"Mobile technologies have changed how we find, consume and interact with content" NMC Horizons report 2015
Photo by Sean MacEntee

The need for a teacher oriented approach

What does a teacher oriented approach mean? It is not about the technology, but about the use of technology to change from the transmission model of education.

More about teacher facilitated rather than oriented?
Photo by Mrs4duh


Photo by sludgegulper


Digital literacies:
The foundation of all tech

Photo by ˙Cаvin 〄

teachers as innovators

Focussing on 'teachers as innovators', giving them support, leadership and recognition that enables them to build knowledge about the use of learning technology
Photo by cybrarian77

the enthusiasts need support

Groups of enthusiasts are in every university. Those with a passion for teaching and for researching. Case study: Student network working with academic staff to develop digital skills to enable innovation.
Photo by jimmypons

Innovation & digital literacies champs

Interactive video
online resources
creating videos using ipads
employability skills for musicians using iTunesU, Blendspace etc


of innovation 
At the University of Southampton we have had International conferences on Technology Enhanced Learning and Open Badges in HE. Both important examples of recognising innovations in the sector and the institution.

Bringing people together for common interests in TEL is essential.

& Reward

Institutions are doing much more to support academics interested in supporting education as well as research.

Research is important to establish credibility of ideas in education innovation for example and academics are now being promoted for their contributions to both research and education.
Photo by Pewari

Can technology solve education challenges?

Why stop at Education? Tech isn't going to solve anything without people.

global students

it's a small world
Photo by Ludo29880

personalised learning

learning analytics

creating content

producing videos from devices 

OPen badges: recognition scaffolding learning

flexible learning

online anywhere
Photo by pamhule

Digital literacies:
The foundation of all tech

Photo by ˙Cаvin 〄

what do 'good' & 'outstanding' look like?

leadership: everywhere

It's not just about Senior Leadership. Leadership is everywhere. Everyone has the opportunity through technology to engage in leadership. Institutions that encourage this are attractive to some of the top talent. Look at innovative workplaces like Google and LinkedIn and institutions like Stanford and MIT.
Photo by VinothChandar

cross institutional collaborations (including IT departments)

Everyone is in this together.

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Evaluations - what works? SAMR model, not yet peer reviewed but it makes sense to apply this approach to identify if your ideas work.
Approach developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura.
Could be applied with other pedagogies like Blooms or even Kolb. Needs research!

successful institutions

Photo by WilliamMarlow

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Photo by MoneyAware