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Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It has become a serious problem in both developed and undeveloped countries.
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Published on May 20, 2016

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Overpopulation is a function of the number of individuals compared to the relevant resources, such as the water and essential nutrients they need to survive. It has become a serious problem in both developed and undeveloped countries.


Every twenty minutes, the human population grows by over 3000. That’s the same amount of time that it takes for another plant or animal species to become entirely extinct (the rate of species extinction is roughly 27,000 per year)


With increased mortality rates, overpopulation is much more prevalent. People who have expanded lifespans are contributing to this problem, and are depleting more resources than they should have used in their lifespans.


More and more organizations are being created to end poverty and world hunger, but this just adds on. It might be blatantly rude to say this, but with saving more lives means less time on our planet. Although these helping hands are a positive step for mankind, when it comes to our ever-growing population, it only will bring our downfall.


With women already increasing third-world populations by cultural means, children aren't an exhausted resource. Being pressured to marry and conceive at a young age, babies have always been a factor in the world's overpopulation. Adding onto this, women in first-world countries who have difficulty conceiving can now use technology (most like insemination) to bear children.


The human population contributes almost wholly to the overpopulation. Unplanned pregnancies and medical advancements in fertility and mortality are main advocates to this problem.


On average everyone uses 16 kilos of resources extracted from earth every day - metal, fossil energy, and minerals. If you live in the western world this number is much higher - up to 57 kilos of newly-mined minerals per day.|


Humans have caused depletion of nonrenewable and renewable resources. Overpopulated cities are major leading effects of overpopulation and adding to other problems, such as affecting the Earth’s ozone layer.


Problems associated with overpopulation. China has the highest population in the world, encompassing 1.2 billion or twenty one percent of the world's population. China faces serious social and economic problems associated with overpopulation in the years to come.


Birth rates are higher than death rates, and India has just crossed the 1 billion population mark. Without some boundaries to help decrease the population, unemployment, decreasing resources and increasing prices will only make India suffer even more.


Over-population, Over-population
Let us embark on a global mission
Embrace the one child policy as a future vision
Let us take steps in the right directions


Some options on how to help decrease overpopulation are:
-limiting child limit to two kids
-a legal age to when old people cannot receive health care
-lessen fertility rates


China has implemented a one child limit in their already overpopulated country, and if we continue this into other countries- improvements will be made


Anything from a two or three child policy to limiting the amount of resources each family can help decrease the population immensely. Slowly but surely, we can ensure that we can live on our earth for a long time


Affecting this problem directly can be a little tricky, but bringing attention to the problem can help. Tell teachers, adults, even older siblings about this event. Birth control and condoms are a big help and even planning for how many kids you want (not now, of course.) To ensure that our planet will stay habitable, we must take action.


As said before, without Earth, where would we be? Scientists haven’t found another planet in travelling distance for humans to habit so Earth (so far) is our only valid option. If we don’t save and protect it, humanity will slowly die out. Overpopulation can lead to our home dying. As our Earth’s inhabitants, we must take action before further damage is made.