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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Rachel Watson and Marissa Hartman
Photo by Rene Mensen

Owls are nocturnal which means that they sleep during the day and hunt during the night.

Photo by @Doug88888

Untitled Slide

  • Talons
  • Silent Feather
  • Hearing
  • Eyesight
Photo by CoenV

They can see a bigger
radius of there hunting grounds.

Photo by JohnGoode

They have less muscles and more rods in there eyes and can turn there head 270'.

Photo by Norma Desmond

Owls see in black and white.

Owls have holes where there ears are supposed to be. The facial discs help gather sound waves.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Talons are an Owls claws.

Photo by MrClean1982

They have feathers on there legs to protect them.

They have fringed feathers for easier flight.

Owls are three weeks old when they can start swallowing there prey whole.

The owl regurgitates its food after a while.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

An Owls prey includes mice, rats, and other small rodents.

Owls lay there eggs at different times so they all don't hatch at once.

Photo by Neuro74

The food source is plummeting quickly so they don't want the baby Owls to depend on the adult owl for food.

Photo by Rene Mensen

Barn Owls can live up to 15 years.