We are researching the Native American tribe called the Navajo they also called themselves Dine’ which means, “the people”. The Navajo is known for taking the long walk. The long walk was when the army made the Navajo
walk more than 450 miles.Due to no to little resources made many people die along the way.
More than a thousand years ago, the Dine’ also known as the Navajo lived in northwestern Canada next to the Great Slave Lake. In Northwestern Canada the climate is terribly dry and cold during winters but but they have sunny summers. The weather would
In 1821 Spain gave Mexico independence till 1846 Navajo’s and Mexican’s fought. In the end America went to war with New Mexico and America ended up taking over part of Mexico and Navajo territory.
For the Navajo to get Bison meat and hides they had to trade food and fabric. This wasn’t their only resource to get food they also were hunters and traded crops with the Pueblo, all of this helped them survive. Women also made hand-made accessories like, bracelets,hairpins, earrings and buckles. All of those were made by silver.
Before modern times The Navajo made hogans by using clay, wood, stone and other materials. Hogans are traditional homes that are sold to families. Hogans are a dome-shaped and always have their doors facing east because they believe it would welcome the morning sun. They also believed in Navajo stories such as, a Coyote building a hogan because Beaver People taught him and he soon made a hogan for the the first man and women. Women also made traditional rugs, earrings, brackets, and hairpins.