Trust vs. Mistrust (1st year in life)

Published on Feb 03, 2018

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Trust vs. Mistrust (1st year in life)

  • Consistent care received from parents that develops into trust - hope
  • Otherwise, we develop fear and suspicion

Photo by >Shannon<

Autonomy vs. Shame (2nd year)

  • Asserting independence
  • Children must explore their limits.
  • Parents should be supportive
  • Without a sense of independence and support, the child will likely develop shame, doubt, and inadequacy.

Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 5 years)

  • Interaction with others in school
  • Play is central
  • Must have a sense of security in their decision making - sense of purpose in what they do
  • Otherwise, children becomes inhibited in their creativity – guilty and inadequate.
  • But some sense guilt and inadequacy is needed to maintain self-control.
Photo by wu yi

Industry vs. Inferiority (school age to puberty)

  • Child seek approval from others.
  • Self-esteem, pride, and confidence.
  • Otherwise, child feels inferior, left out, incompetent.
  • Yet, modesty is needed - self-control.
Photo by quapan

Identity vs. Role Confusion (12–18 years)

  • Fitting in- belonging to society - feeling unique as a person.
  • What role do they play in society?
  • Role/identity confusion.
  • Desperation, confusion
  • Rebellion and unhappiness

Intimacy vs. Isolation (18-40 years)

  • Can make commitment, comfort, and care for others.
  • Feel safe, and loved
  • Otherwise, we feel isolated, and can't develop relationships.
  • Disconnected and lonely
Photo by rekre89

Generativity vs. Stagnation (40 - retirement)

  • Ability to care for others.
  • Feel productive
  • Otherwise, we feel unproductive, and even useless.

Integrity vs. Despair (65+)

  • Sense of achievement
  • Desire to share wisdom
  • Otherwise, there is despair and dissatisfaction.
  • Resentment

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