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Vanguard or Vandal?

Published on Dec 08, 2019

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Vanguard or Vandal?

Symbolic Boundaries and Subjectivities of Grafite and Pixação in São Paulo
Photo by Andy Falconer


  • grafiteiros and pixadores between the ages of 18 and 55
  • conducted interviews with 40 participants
  • conducted participant observation at events (official and unofficial) and pixo "points" and parties
Photo by Warren Wong

Untitled Slide


  • PixoAção and ArdePixo events
  • Pixo "point" in Centro, every Thursday night
  • Feira Cultural Vila Das Cores (Vila Mariana)
  • Kebrada em Cores, Festival de graffiti (Sao Miguel)
  • Os Mais Antigos festa (Interlagos)
  • Arte e Cultura na Kebrada (Sao Miguel)

Main patterns and what I attempted to capture

  • In the public imaginary, grafite has become a symbol of creativity, beauty, and cleanliness; pixo has become a symbol of disorder and filth. Among grafiteiros and pixadores, these two forms of expression are more alike than they are different
Photo by #moliço


  • grafiteiros cite artistic talent that presented itself in childhood while simultaneously invoking the grassroots origins of graffiti; pixadores engage in a symbolic inversion that resignifies pixo as accomplishing spectacular feats in spite of contrary forces to gain recognition


  • Grafiteiros and pixadores both leverage the increased legitimacy of grafite and adopt affectations of hegemonic acceptance to avoid hostile encounters

Additional ideas and material

  • Death, memory, and materiality in the city
  • Circulation of grafite and pixo in the digital age
  • Site specificity and the significance of certain marked spaces
  • Gender dynamics in these communities
  • Content that marks time

Positioning as a scholar

  • Areas of focus: anthropology of art, legal anthropology, and urban anthropology
  • Interests: symbolic distinctions and power, construction of legitimacy and criminality (illicit/licit worlds), and possibilities of resistance through practices of risk, play, and re-imagination
  • Geographic region(s): Brazil, the Southern U.S. (Texas and Florida), & digital spaces
Photo by Thomas Kelley

Future directions

  • Any of the topics already discussed Graffiti tourism in Latin America
  • Graffiti tourism in Latin America