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Body Systems

Published on Jul 07, 2016

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Body Systems

By Max W.

We will be reviewing 3 major body systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive.


This system is responsible for delivering oxygen to the blood

There are several steps in the respiratory system.

These are:

  • The diaphragm contracts and you breath air into your pharynx
  • The epiglottis opens and air goes into your larynx, through your trachea and into your lungs
  • Alveoli with tiny capillaries deliver red blood cells which take in oxygen and expel waste such as carbon dioxide
  • the diaphragm relaxes and you exhale

Cardiovascular system

This system distributes blood to all your cells

This system consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels.These organs follow a specific pattern so that oxygen-rich blood can distribute oxygen to cells and pick up waste materials.

This pattern is:

  • oxygen poor blood enters the right atrium through the Vena Cava
  • The blood then enters the right ventricle and enters the lungs through the pulmonary artery, where carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen
  • After that the blood moves into the left atrium through the pulmonary vein
  • Finally the blood enters the left ventricle and is distributed to the body

Digestive system

This system is responsible for distributing nutrients throughout the body

The digestive system is a very long system and does its job in a very specific order

The order it follows is:

  • Food is chewed in the mouth and is swallowed through the esophagus and into the stomach, where stomach acid breaks down the food.
  • The food then enters the small intestine, where bile from the liver and gallbladder, along with juices from the pancreas break down the food further.
  • The nutrients in the small intestine are absorbed, and the leftovers are sent to the large intestine.
  • The large intestine absorbs any moisture and sends the remaining mass to the excretory system