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Nothing says love like a dozen roses....

Did you know that roses are not only native to the United States, but they are also our national floral emblem? Or that June is National Rose Month? Or that the rose is the state flower selected by Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District of Columbia?

On a first date, a single rose symbolises love at first sight. it can also be given in years to come to say, "I still love you."

Give someone two roses to represent your mutual love and affection.

Representing the couple and their shared love, a bouquet of three roses is traditional one month anniversary gift.

Whether it's a school crush or a more mature passion, six roses symbolizes infatuation.

To send the message "We'll be together forever," send a bouquet of nine roses.

Let them know that their love is perfection with a bouquet of ten roses.

A perfect dozen shouts "Be mine!"

Tell someone that they'll be your friend forever with a bouquet of thirteen roses.

Need to let someone know that you're sorry? Send them fifteen roses.

Send the message "my feelings for you are truly sincere" with a bouquet of twenty roses.

Twenty-one roses say, "I'm dedicated to you."

Two dozen roses shouts "I'm yours!"

Send a message of congratulations with twenty-five roses.

Three dozen says "I'm head over heels in love!"

Forty roses says, "my love for you is genuine."

To express a love that knows no bounds, send a bouquet that's equally as limitless - filled with fifty (or more) beautiful luxurious roses.


Published on Jun 04, 2019

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Living Love

with one another
Nothing says love like a dozen roses....

Did you know that roses are not only native to the United States, but they are also our national floral emblem? Or that June is National Rose Month? Or that the rose is the state flower selected by Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District of Columbia?

On a first date, a single rose symbolises love at first sight. it can also be given in years to come to say, "I still love you."

Give someone two roses to represent your mutual love and affection.

Representing the couple and their shared love, a bouquet of three roses is traditional one month anniversary gift.

Whether it's a school crush or a more mature passion, six roses symbolizes infatuation.

To send the message "We'll be together forever," send a bouquet of nine roses.

Let them know that their love is perfection with a bouquet of ten roses.

A perfect dozen shouts "Be mine!"

Tell someone that they'll be your friend forever with a bouquet of thirteen roses.

Need to let someone know that you're sorry? Send them fifteen roses.

Send the message "my feelings for you are truly sincere" with a bouquet of twenty roses.

Twenty-one roses say, "I'm dedicated to you."

Two dozen roses shouts "I'm yours!"

Send a message of congratulations with twenty-five roses.

Three dozen says "I'm head over heels in love!"

Forty roses says, "my love for you is genuine."

To express a love that knows no bounds, send a bouquet that's equally as limitless - filled with fifty (or more) beautiful luxurious roses.

Photo by Rrrrred

1 John 3:16-18

As we read the passage and move into the explanation....

choose one out of the 10....

think about who you know would benefit the most from each one of these one anothers and then decide to share it with that person in the next 7 days.....
Photo by Aaron Burden

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.


one another
Love one another (Jn 13:34-35, 15:12, 17 )

A command

love defined as having great affection or concern for.....to be so concerned that you act on another person's behalf often at great cost to yourself

An action word...1 John 3:18 reminds us... Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

A present tense command

love God - it starts here, or love for others is directly tied to our love for God

love your neighbor

love your enemies

love one another

A command that offers Jesus life and sacrifice as a model

So, you want to know how to express love.....follow Jesus lead


one another
Serve one another (Ga 5:13)

The word we get slave from....to stand in the position of a slave

no rights

no choice, whether you like it or feel like it or not....

no position of influence

no pay

and no expectations of any

and often a severe penalty incurred on the slave who does not perform their duties properly.....

present tense command - keep on serving one another

reciprocal relationship.....

a dependence on one another for the slave owes his very life existence to the will of the owner....
Photo by philster02188


for one another
Pray for one another (Ja 5:16)

talk to God about someone or something

present tense - keep on doing it

for one another -

implies we know what is going on with each other or that a request has been made for prayer support of some kind

prayer has a definite outcome and in this case we are told that healing - can occur, both physical and spiritual healing
Photo by Rosie Fraser


one another
Bear with and forgive one another (Co 3:13)

forgiving - as a demonstration of the grace of God - derived from the word for grace

undeserved favor

extend grace regarding the reasons for a complaint or a quarrel between you and someone else

coupled with bear with - have patience with the quirks about another that irritate you.....

we are able to do this because of our new position in the Lord, which is described in verse twelve and the model is given in verse 14.......

the model for forgiving is the forgiveness that Jesus extended to us.....

Photo by wilkristin


one another
Comfort one another concerning the resurrection (1 Th 4:18)

comfort - this is a great pic of one of my favorite comfort foods - we call it hidden corn.....but I have heard it usually called shepherds pie

something we should do a s a matter of habit - pres imp

to come alongside someone with the intent of propping them up, cheering them on, when they are feeling weak or discouraged.....

sometimes called a ministry of presence - where you don't need to say anything, just being there is appreciated....

Photo by marcoverch

Speak the Truth

to one another
Speak truth to one another (Ep 4:25)

We live in the era of fake news

Where journalism i now being taught in colleges to be a craft that is more propaganda like than learning and sharing the facts....leave out parts that do not serve your point of view and emphasize the false parts......

speak - the word for speech, using words.....

pres imp - keep on doing so as a matter of habit

what is solid, valid, firm, sure, binding, - ie the truth.....

rather than what is spoken that is contrary to fact or spoken with the intent to deceive

speak the truth - God works - speak a lie and Satan goes to work

to each other....in this case your neighbor - nothing like getting caught in a good lie to create tensions with your neighbor

Photo by Tatiana12


one another
Spur one another on....one another to love and good deeds (He 10:24)

Let us consider - give one's whole mind to thinking about the matter

to providing a way to positively influence some one to "want to" rather than have to ....do something...

in this case to love and good deeds....

love as we explained in the first point, meaning that sometimes we need to be encouraged to love one another...

good deeds.....

literally good - positive. life giving, breathe of fresh air kind of impact

works - acts of love kindness grace, encouragement etc....

get creative in how we can assist one another if=n following Jesus



Borne by one another
Bear one another’s burdens (Ga 6:2)

present tense command - keep on.....

carrying the weight of something

assuming of those burdens in a willing, helpful, sympathetic way, despite the fact that the bearing of them may involve unpleasantness and heartache.

Wuest, K. S. (1997). Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader (Vol. 3, p. 167). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

The burdens in this context refer to the responsibility each saint should feel for the spiritual welfare of his fellow-saints, especially when they have sinned......and in the case of the sin which has taken him by surprise, of helping the sinning brother to go to the Lord Jesus with a confession of that sin.

Photo by garryknight

Wear Humility

towards one another
Clothe yourselves in humility toward one another (1 Pe 5:5)

A command......

“Put on and wrap yourselves about with humility, so that the covering of humility cannot possibly be stripped from you.”

picture of a slave tightening their belt and wrapping their clothes up around their waist so they would not get in the way of their work......

held firmly so they would not come loose in the middle of the day's work

important to practice because God opposes the proud - the opposite of humility

used to describe how an army arrays itself against an opponent.....

a lack of humility means we are setting ourselves up to be God's enemy on a battlefield......
Photo by Rohit Reddy


one another up
Encourage and build up one another (1 Th 5:11)

encourage - come along side - often used to describe the Holy Spirit's work

build - brick by brick, one on one is the literal breakdown of the word one another here

the context is reminding each other about the truth regarding the second coming and those who are dead
Photo by Alex Radelich

Focus on 1

as I list these 10 I would invite you to think about that one for a minute......

10 One Anothers

  • Love one another
  • Serve one another
  • Pray for one another
  • Forgive one another
  • Comfort one another

10 One Anothers

  • Speak truth to one another
  • Spur one another on
  • Bear one another's burdens
  • Wear humilty with one another
  • Build one another up

Focus on 1

and then think of the person who would benefit the most from this one another you focused on......and share it with them this week....

Michael Cadrette

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