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Iran Nuclear deal

Published on May 24, 2016

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By: Keegan Flahive
Photo by mr.throk


  • Started with Colin Kaepernick
  • Has spread throughout various sports in the nation
  • Protest expressed by kneeling during to the flag during the National Anthem
  • Over 200 players in the 2017 NFL season have joined in
Photo by Brook-Ward

U.S Code Title 36, Subtitle I, Part A, Chapter 3, code 301.

Flag history

  • Created on June 14, 1777 by Betsy Ross.
  • Created to resemble unity in the colonies
  • 13 stars were arranged in a circle to represent equality and unity for all colonies
Photo by Jakob Owens

Flag Meaning

  • Stars- each represents unified state
  • 13 stripes stood for first 13 unified colonies (13 folds)
  • Color red- symbolizes bloodshed, hardiness, and courage
  • Color blue- symbolizes justice and peserverence
  • Color white- stands for purity and vigilance

Problems with NFL Protest

  • Media creating divisiion
  • The protest have not progressed into action
  • dividing teams, fans, coaches, and owners.
  • It is football, leave politics out
Photo by Keith Allison

Disrespect to the Military, Veterans, and the Fallen


  • Moral over Legal
  • Flag stands for more than just the corrupt Government
  • Protest needs to take action and stop protesting something that creates more problems and division then before
  • Good idea, yet done in such a wrong way.
Photo by NYCMarines