Fresh Start
Help……ummm…I mean hello everyone and welcome to my first C.E. of 2017. I just can't wait for you guys to see what my goals for 2017 are! Now sit back relax and enjoy the presentation.
Oh dang it another 63% I really need to work on math. I need to work on this because I am not doing so hot in that area right now (like how Saskatoon isn't warm at all). As of right now we have started responsive stations which I think might help. Hey I got a 91% this time. BOOYA!
Ok I have 15 minutes to start and finish my Homer Simpson picture for French. I always leave all my projects to the very last minute and that causes them to not be as good as they could have been. As a person who procrastinates I think it also leads me to work around my work and end up not actually doing it. At least I finished my C.E. a week before it was due!
HEY DON'T BLURT! Okay sorry, I really need to be nicer and not sass people as much. I notice that I am often quite mean to people. That doesn't get me a good reputation. Hey I really like your shirt Bryanna!
In 2nd place we have PFC Flare. Not again! Okay it's time to step up my game if you don't know what I mean I just lost my first competition this year. My goal as a level 3 cheerleader is to win 1st place at 3 competitions or more. The reason behind this one is that I just came in 2nd at the Cold Snap competition I went to last weekend in Edmonton. Oh yay this time we came in first!
Ouch! That hurt! Don't you see I need to stretch more to get more flexible so I can have my splits. This is helpful because if I am ever a top I need to be able to do my aerial positions. Hey that was pretty good!
Hey Amelia do you have any coke? Thanks! These drinks are very bad for me and don't help me with my goal to be healthier. This is why I need to drink more water. Hey Miss Chan can I grab a drink of water? Thanks!
Oh man this is a good show! Sorry, but Once Upon A Time is good. Anyway I just need to say that I spent to much time on my technology. I find I need to connect more with nature. Hey Ella wanna go outside?
ZZZ....zzz... Oh I am still here sorry I am very tired I only got 30 minutes of sleep last night. See this is why I need way more sleep. I find that I watch 1 YouTube video and that's all it takes for me to be sucked in. So, is it a plan that I will go home after I finish and get some more sleep? Cool!
Can I go lay in my bed and watch YouTube? As you may know I can be very lazy at times. Sometimes I don't even want to get ready for cheer. This means I will try to become more fit by doing a small set of different workouts. I will be doing 15 push ups, 40 sit-ups, 40 Russian twists and 2-45 second handstands.
Mmm....these cookies are good. I can't keep eating like this. It is taking away from my cheerleading performance. I often get sick because of it as well. I will try eating foods that are healthier for me instead of junk. Mmm...lettuce
The Worst Part
Thank you for helping me through my troubles and may your 2017 be well. This C.E. made me realize I need to commit to a healthier lifestyle. Anyway that's all for now see next month!