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El Sombreron-Mexico

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EL Sombrerón



  • A young boy was always making mischief, but his brother stayed obedient
  • The parents called a "brujo" (wise men with magical healing abilities)
  • The brujo demanded that the father (who is a hat maker) make the largest sombrero that ever existed


  • The father then brought the hat to the brujo, where he worked magic on the hat until dawn
  • He said the hat would cure the boy's mischievous ways
  • So the father then left the hat in the middle of the house, and at midnight, he heard a loud crash


  • The boy was screaming for help, for he had put the hat on, and it wouldn't come off
  • The powerful magic inside the hat was forced on his head forever
  • El Sombreron continues to act mischievous to his neighbors and townspeople


  • Very short (due to hat weight)
  • Large, black sombrero with magical powers
  • Old-looking man with an opaque face
  • Dressed in black with a thick, shiny belt
  • Large boots that make loud noises when he walks

He could make himself invisible
Climb up walls and across ceilings
He could walk through walls
When invisible, he would steal fruit and tipping carts
He would also steal donkeys.


  • He serenades women and if they reject, he steals their souls
  • El Sombrerón appears at dusk with two black dogs attached by heavy chains, dragging along a group of mules carrying coal, with whom he travels around
  • Also known as "The Goblin" and searches for love in vain (mostly girls with long, dark hair and large eyes)


  • He often braids the manes and tails of horses, and sometimes braids dogs
  • He follows young women with large eyes and long hair
  • When he finds a woman that suits his tastes, he ties his mules up outside her house, and serenades her with a silver guitar
  • He’s known to serve them soil for dinner, which renders them unable to sleep or eat

Appearances in Popular Culture
-Festival in Guatemala
-In 1950, El Sombrerón became the subject of one of the first films shot in Guatemala


  • Purpose is to scare young girls into obeying their parents and into being modest and coy around men


  • In the neighborhood of La Recolección lived a woman named Susana. She was a very pretty girl, with long hair and big, hazelnut eyes.
Photo by Mrxthanh

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  • One night, when there was a full moon, Susana was sitting in the balcony admiring the sky. Suddenly a short character with a big hat and a guitar approached her. Her beauty amazed him.

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  • He sang her a song, but at that moment her parents found out she was out and made her get inside the house. Since that day she was not able to sleep anymore because this character sang to her from the street. She was not able to eat either, because every time they served her food it was contaminated with soil. He eventually stopped bothering her.

The legend started with the girl named Susana
This tale is told in Hispanic, Latin, and Latin American cultures


  • What was the name of the magical being that put magic in the sombrero?
  • What type of girls does El Sombreron target?
  • What country did El Sombreron originate?
  • What is El Sombreron also known as?
  • What does El Sombreron put in women's food if they don't like him?