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Word Conversation Group 4a

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Photo by ginnerobot


To notice something, or sense something, even if it is not very obvious.

This scientist tries to detect any diseases the plant may have.

How is detect different from find?

What could you detect from outside the kitchen?
a. the color of a pear inside the refrigerator
b. the smell of apple pie baking
c. a button on the kitchen floor
d. dishes in the sink


To do something or say something that will get a response from a person or animal.

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Might sending someone a funny note elicit a smile?

Would the following actions elicit a laughing response?
* a joke
* the flu
* a funny cartoon
* a lost pet


To be very ordinary, not at all unusual or interesting.

What a mundane world it would be if everything were one color.

Are pink spaghetti and green meatballs mundane?

Which of these is most mundane?
a. seeing fireworks on the 4th of July
b. being at a birthday party
c. enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner
d. eating breakfast at home


A surprising or interesting fact that is made known to people.

It was a revelation to Katie that her fingerprints were different than anyone else's.

Could sufficient evidence lead to a revelation about pickles?

Would finding out the following facts lead to a revelation?
* the exact number of people on Earth
* that you have a dentist appointment on Friday
* that people really live on Mars
* what the weather will be tomorrow


To be likely to do something.

Nancy has a tendency to bite her nails when she daydreams.

Might a child have a tendency to dabble in finger painting?

Do the following people have a tendency to do something?
* Ella sings when she is alone.
* Teddy usually snores when he is sleeping.
* Daniel is always losing his keys.
* Jessica ate a caramel apple for the first time.