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ancient rome

Published on Mar 15, 2016

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ancient rome

By: Alicia valenzuela- Garcia
Photo by Darkroom Daze

center a roman roads

at the bottom of the trench, the romans put a layer of big stones.

center a roman roads

they used broken stones, pebbles, cement and sound to make a firm base

center b roman buildings

the romans used concrete to build the dome of the pantheon
Photo by Anita363

center b pax romana

pax romana lasted for about 200 years
Photo by leansthompson

center c pantheon commentary

the roman temple is one of the great spiritual buildings in the war
Photo by Rich Gibson

center c pantheon commentary

the pantheon had a monumental porch that originally faced a rectangular colonnaded temple courtyrd
Photo by AleCue

center d romulus and remus

there was this shepard and it brought up the twins
Photo by jjjj56cp

center d greek gods

the 12 greek gods lived on mt, olympus
Photo by mharrsch

center e the ancient romans

men and women each had their own designated time at the bath house

center f the ancient romans

the romans would apply an oil to their body and begin their daily exercise
Photo by isawnyu

center f the ancient romans

for teir exercises they would run, swim, weightlift, and play ball

center g the ancient romans

when they finished their exercises they would scrape the oil off with an instrument called a stirgil