- The Digital Divide was realized in 1991 passage of the High Performance Computing Act, which funded a high-speed fiber optic network that would ultimately become "the Internet." Computers literally became glorified typewriters.
- 60% of new jobs were going to require internet and computer fluency.
History 2
- 1995 started the conversations of the effect of computers and internet and this began the talk of the digital divide
- Digital Divide became noticeable in schools of lower income
- In 2002, over half American schools were online.
History 3
- The ability to access online was increasing even in households making less than 15,000
The digital divide is the gap between people who have internet access and the people who have no access at all. ( Collins, 2011)
Digital inequality is among internet users and how much benefit they get from using the internet due to lack of skill and knowledge. (DiMaggio, 2004)
Digital Inequality Is Impacting Schools
- School funding
- Enough equipment to go around
- Internet at home for students
- Lack of teacher knowledge to new technology.
- Impoverished areas
Problem Solved!
- Fundraising director per school. (Solution to problem 1 and 2)
- Tech time allotted for student use
- Training seminars and furthered education in Educational Technology for teachers
It's important we understand that the digital divide is a struggle within our education system. Research shows the value in Educational Technology, but as the gap is closing within the digital divide, its widening the gap of digital inequality. The AECT Code of Ethics that states each student must be given the same opportunity in any program is being violated when we are not accommodating technology for every child who can't access it outside the school walls.
-Edutopia, Oct 27, 2009, R. Rapaport
- Forrest Doud, Feb 2011
- Jr High Teacher, Phil Hiller, 2015
Edutopia, Oct 27, 2009, R. Rapaport
Digital Divide was realized in 1991 passage of the High Performance Computing Act, which funded a high-speed fiber optic network that would ultimately become "the Internet."
Computers became glorified typewriters
60% of new jobs were going to require internet and computer fluency
1995 started the conversations of the effect of computers and internet and this began the talk of the digital divide
The digital divide began being noticed in school where some schools suffered with IBM-PC and other schools were able to get new computers
By 2002 over half of all American schools were online
The ability to access online was growing even in households making less than 15,000
In the history of the digital divide it was defined as the gap between wealthy and poor
The gap between people who have access to computers and internet and then the people who don’t have any access at all. (Collins, 2011)
No longer gap between wealthy and poor because many impoverished families now have access.
Digital inequality is among internet users and how much benefit they get from using the internet due to lack of skill and knowledge.
As we close the gap on the digital divide we are widening the gap on the digital inequality
Digital divide and digital inequality are different but are a push pull concept