The basic domains in the electrons of a magnetic material are in certain patterns that are are all aligned So that the energy goes in one way forming the attraction and repulsion effect
Magnets can be Permanent or temporary
permanent magnets are magnets that cannot(unless extreme heat or pressure is applied) be undone
Temporary Magnets are magnets that are made when a magnet touches something else and then can pick up other objects.
It is a very unstable type of magnetism that can be disrupted with very small temperature movements which cause the valence electrons in the atoms themselves to vibrate and lose its magnetism
paramagnets are basicly when you would take a nail and put it on a magnet, the nail would become paramagnetic
the large hadron collider is an experiment that could have completely revolutionized science or destroyed the earth
the experiment shoots 2 particles through a series of 1232 dipole magnets (bar magnets) and 392 quadropole magnets(2 bar magnets that are faced inward) to propel to see what happens when they hit and all the magnets are antiferro magnets
This is compared to hurling 2 needles across the Atlantic ocean and making them hit
This idea for a machine that needs no energy to make energy began with Sir Isaac newton and he tried to disprove the fact that that machine could be made and said it was imppossible
He said that due to gravity and friction, there is to much fighting against it
Due to recent technology(Magnets) this machine can happen.
although you still cannot make force higher than its original force without adding more force, recent studies suggest that the energy given off by a magnet could power one of these machines
If you created one of these machines, Mr. Laarman says ''you would have so much money bill gates would have nothing on you''
The portals are made when the magnetic field of earth are combined with the solar flares of the sun and create a magnetic tube of energy going back and forth between the sun and the earth
They pop up multiple times of the day and are very unpredictable
NASA still does not know how to find them perfectly
The way they find them at the moment are finding the diffusion zones in the electrons of the magnetic field
It is not very easy considering that the areas of diffusion are completely invisible to the human eye
They could possibly used in the future for closer observation of space and maybe a new form of transportation.
Magnets can be in different forms,bar and horseshoe, but every type of magnet has 2 poles, north and south.
even if you cut a magnet in half, it will still have 2 poles.
Magnets can be demagnetized with extreme heat or pressure. The only mystery i have with that is the center of the earth, it has both heat and pressure. ???
the earths magnetic field is getting slowly, over thousands of years, being switched and will eventually be opposite
Some scientists believe that the dinosaur died out because of a sudden drop in the magnetic field, thus causing all the dinosaur to all at once get cooked or really sunburned. there is not alot of evidence supporting it,but it makes sence
Almost all animals that migrate have been known to use magnets
Magnets have been found to streghten your immune system and weaken it