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Published on Jul 19, 2019

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learning disability SEMINAR

the best thing we can do is give the learner is time-time to process and to think of the answer. ld students deal with self esteem issues in the classroom daily

Photo by ASweeneyPhoto

reading and decoding
Keep in mind that before school, we learned that spatial orientation does not change an object. once in school, that is untrue. If a child spends all his/her energy decoding words, that student is not understanding the information.

Photo by João Silas

reading comprehension
95percent of textbooks and 93percent of teachers teach comprehension by vocabulary. it should be
background over vocabulary

visual perception
ld students GET MIXED MESSAGES FROM THEIR EYES TO THEIR HANDS. visual motor integration is a major problem

Photo by slark

equal means the same, not all students learn the same way. students need a fair chance to learn the best they can by getting what is needed. remember, it is moral value that is developed

Photo by holeymoon

students may see something, but cannot attach meaning
until it is taught.
Direct instruction is important

Photo by Erol Ahmed

oral expression
disnomia-a word finding problem. brain has a problem between storage and retrieval. speaking is cognitive for these ld students.

risk taking
EXPERIENCE OF THE LD STUDENT IS BEING THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM WHO CAN'T DO IT. still giving answers based on their own perception. (some students still get in trouble even though they do not know what was done wrong).
doing it even though they think people feel they are stupid