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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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  • The Trex diet is meat.
  • It could wiegh up to 5-7 tons.
  • Scientistis discovered that it lived in the cretacious period.
  • It's name means Tryant Lizard King.
  • It's teeth could get up to 13 inches long.

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  • It was 20 feet tall about the size of a school bus.
  • Scientists think it could run as fast as 15mph.
  • It's jaws were up to 4 feet long.
  • It could get to40 feet long (4.6 to 6m long).
  • A Trex skull can get up to 4 feet long.

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  • A trex can eat up to 500 pounds in a bite!
  • A Trex was a Theropada dinousaur.
  • A trex life span is 30 years.
  • Scientists think a Trex had varied colour depending on how old it was.
  • Since a Trex wieghed so much it's tail was large for balance.
Photo by Travis S.

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Photo by julianrod