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Photo by Werner Kunz

Recently there have been 7 bombs set of by Isis in the centre of Paris killing 129 people

Photo by TaylorMiles

These were set off because the French have been bombing Isis facilities killing many members causing anger within Isis

David Cameron has gone against public opinion and has taken military action against Isis in reaction to this event

For a few days after the bombings streets and the metro were empty also schools were closed all in fear of another bombing

Apparently there was going to be another bomb to go off but armed officers were on the scene and the suspect fled

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Fear was brewed when a fake bomb was found in Hannover

7 suspects were arrested by local police however one was shot by an armed squad and one was shot by a police sniper

Photo by mikecogh

The arrested suspects have so far not been identified

Photo by -pushkill-