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Published on Jul 19, 2016

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Describing Words
Photo by procsilas

Student Outcomes

  • Students will choose 5 nouns to examine on Haiku Deck and then use adjectives to describe them.
  • Student will type, recite and use adjective words.


  • Describes a noun (person, place or thing)
  • Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an object's size, shape, age, color, origin or material.

Use Adjectives to Describe this dog?

Photo by Nikos-p

Dog (noun)

  • Fluffy
  • Small
  • Playful
  • Soft
  • Friendly
  • Loving
  • Curious
  • The dog at the park was very friendly.

Pick 5 Nouns and describe them

  • Pick 5 nouns (person place or thing) on Haiku Deck.
  • Use at least 5 adjectives to describe each noun.
  • Type one complete sentence using an adjective word.


  • Share the haiku deck you created.
  • State your noun and the adjective words used to describe it.
  • Share your sentence that uses at least one adjective.