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-Thanks for coming
-In the next 35 minutes, we hope to provide you with tools innovative educators need for our constantly changing world
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Defining Innovation - Teaching the Leaders of Tomorrow

Would you want to be a learner in your own classroom? As teachers, it is our job to inspire students to become creators and leaders. Many of our students will have jobs that do not yet exist. This EdCamp session will layout the thinking tools innovative educators need. Time will be given to begin creating innovative learning opportunities for your students, so please consider times within the year that would be optimal for an inquiry study. Let's empower students to be problem solvers and critical thinkers!


Defining Innovation

Teaching the Leaders of Tomorrow
-Thanks for coming
-In the next 35 minutes, we hope to provide you with tools innovative educators need for our constantly changing world

Would you want to be a learner in your own classroom?

Think about how many hours your students are in your classroom

Think of when you were in school - what do you remember?
How has school changed since then?
How has school stayed the same?

Show video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqTTojTija8

Photo by Kathy Cassidy

Untitled Slide

This image is one of the key focus points in the book"Innovator's Mindset".

When looking at this graphic what “pops” your curiosity

What is something that you do often (voice, choice, reflection)

What is something new that we haven’t done? -

POWER comes when these items come full circle - you are incorporating all 8!

We need to prepare kids for jobs that don't yet exist

“We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist … using technologies that haven’t been invented … in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”—Richard Riley, former Secretary of Education

“Data scientist. Digital artist. App developer. Virtual assistant. Blogger. What do they have in common? They’re all jobs that didn’t exist 20 years ago.”

“According to a 2016 report by the World Economic Forum, “By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.”

Photo by Jitter Buffer

How do we do both?


Inquiry - through the Backwards design method

How can this prevent us from teaching like 100 yrs ago?

Photo by pgcummings

Click to Edit

Questions to guide:
What do we want our students to know and do?
How will we know they accomplished this?
Why does it matter?

Through The Eyes of Students

The following is short clip of an example inquiry study created through the backward design model

Provides directions for teachers and student voices - example resource found on vimeo link
Photo by jev55

When we stop simply telling students how to learn, and, rather, act as a “guide on the side” we can support them in a way that encourages them to find their own solutions

Put the power back into the students - empower them and empower yourself to step out of the box to become an innovative educator!

Plan Time

Consider your current curriculum - ELA? Social Studies? Math?

Use the innovator's 8 things to look for in a classroom and the backward design model to consider how you can develop your own inquiry study.


View links in the notes section 
Photo by RichGrundy