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Water Conservation

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Water Sustainability and Conservation

Public Service Announcement by
Caring About Clean Water Conservation

Photo by kevin dooley



We are lucky to live in Canada, where we have so much fresh water; more than most other countries on earth.

You might think that we will never run out of fresh water, but you should be concerned about our supply of water and the quality of it.

Today we want to tell you about why you should care about our water, and what you can do to protect it.

The water cycle is how water moves between bodies of water, the land and the air. The sun causes water to evaporate from the oceans, lakes and other bodies of water. This vapour forms clouds where water droplets form through condensation. These drops eventually fall back to earth as rain or snow. This precipitation then collects, and the cycle starts again.

So why do we need to conserve water if it's everywhere?

Of all the water in earth, 97% of it is in the oceans. The remaining 3% of water is in glaciers and ice, below the ground, or in rivers or lakes. Of that 3%, less than 1% is easily accessible for human use. We need to sustain that 1% supply, and keep it clean!

We are lucky as Canadians to pay much less for treated water than the actual cost of treating it. If we compare ourselves to people living in other developed countries, you would see that we pay a lot less for our clean water.

So water is cheap right? Why should we use it sparingly?

There are several reasons why we should conserve our water usage:

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  • It ensures that our water supply is maintained.
  • It puts less demand on our water distribution and collection systems.
  • It saves money;
  • More and more communities are paying for the water they use.
  • Using less water, means a lower water bill.


  • Choose water efficient appliances.
  • Install a low flow toilet, and don't flush more than necessary.
  • Don't take long showers, and install a high efficiency shower head.
  • Don't leave the tap running unnecessarily.
  • Repair leaky toilets or dripping faucets.

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