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Chicken Coop & Indonesia

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Photo by theresac


  • Mitosis is a process that takes place in the nucleus of dividing a cell, and there are steps that takes place in the process of mitosis.
  • Meiosis is a type of cell division in which the nucleus divides into 4 daughter cells, while each contain half the number of chromosomes of the parents nuclei.
Photo by biologycorner


  • Meiosis deals with sexual reproduction and occurs in animals, humans, plants and fungi. Mitosis is asexual and occurs in all types of organisms. Meiosis has 2 number of divisions, 4 haploid cells, and has 8 steps. Mitosis has 1 number of division, 2 diploid, and 4 steps.


  • Specific techniques include: chromosome walking, DNA fingerprinting or footprinting. Chromosome walking is a procedure used to predict the sequence of genes. This technique is used in order to create a clone of some sorts without actually copying and pasting the gene directly.


  • Biotechnology has began to focus on efforts to improve yield and profitability by improving crop resistance to insects and certain herbicides and delaying ripening (for transportation and longer shelf life). Scientist believe that DNA analysis will soon produce plants that are also drought resistant.

Compare the breakdown of the cost, savings, benefits, disadvantages of making the shift to solar power for the specific instance identified?

Photo by bradleygee


  • Solar energy comes to the earth as photons. When a person uses solar cells, or solar panels, they are utilizing the photons to control their electronic devices from the iPad to the lights that run our houses. The photons are captured and the electrons from the sun collide with the electrons in the solar cells and the roaming around of the loose electrons creates an electrical current that runs our daily used devices.


  • Is a process in which humans use animal breeding and plant breeding to develop certain phenotypic traits by choosing which typically animal or plant males and females will sexually reproduce and have an offspring together.

How does selective breeding work? And is it Bad?

  • Selective breeding or artificial breeding is when scientist takes the strongest genes from an animal or plant and insert those genes into an offspring and make them reproduce.
  • When you breed brothers and sisters they can get defected such as diseases, infertile, low weight, and babies could die. So this is why inbreeding is dangerous and has it negatives of why this is dangerous
Photo by jurvetson


  • Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia, and it's known for its beaches,volcanoes, and jungles. Indonesia is home to more than 200,000,000 million people, the capital is Jakarta and over 13,000,000 million people live here. The language that is spoken here is Bahasa Indonesia, English, Dutch, Japanese, and other local dialects
  • Third largest production of chicken in the world!


  • "Difference between Animal Cell Mitosis and Meiosis." Major Differences. Major Differences, 2015. Web. 4 Nov. 2015. .
  • "Indonesia Facts." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015. . "The Two Methods of Reproduction." Asexual and Sexual Reproduction. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015. - "Types of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction - Boundless Open Textbook." Boundless. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2015.