RUB AL-KHAli: Definition: The Rub' al Khali is the largest contiguous sand desert in the world, encompassing most of the southern third of the Arabian Peninsula
Pronunciation: "roo b al kah lee"
Sentence: It was really hot as the Arabians traveled over the Rub Al-Khali.
KA’ABA: Definition: A small stone building in the court of the Great Mosque at Mecca that contains a sacred black stone and is the goal of Islamic pilgrimage and the point toward which Muslims turn in praying.
Pronunciation: "kaa ba"
Sentence: Many people flocked to the Kaaba to pray.
YATHRIB: Definition: A city of western Saudi Arabia north of Mecca. The Mosque of the Prophet, containing Muhammad's tomb, is a holy site for Muslim pilgrims.
Pronunciation: "ya th rib"
Sentence: Muhammad was buried in Yathrib because it is a holy sight for Muslim Pilgrims.