Copy of Maximizing the Impact of Teacher Assistants

Published on Jun 13, 2018

Roles responsibilities. Practice. Preparedness.


Maximazing Effectiveness

Teacher Assistants in the Homeroom 

Models of TA deployment and Preparation

Research by The Institute of Education, Univ. of London, A summary
Briefly summarize the work by this researcher, Rob Webster

Link to Video:

Maximizing Effectiveness

  • Deployment
  • Practice
  • Preparedness

TAs' Time in Class. Roles played. Percentage of time

TA interactions with students with learning and behavior needs

Teacher interactions with students withe learning and behavior needs

Practice: Key Findings

  • Students have longer, more interactive interactions with TAs
  • Teachers spent more time explaining concepts
  • TAs explanations sometimes inaccurate or confusing
  • Teachers provide more feedback
  • TAs more likely to prompt students and give answers
  • Teachers linked new learning to previous knowledge, prompting thinking and engagement
  • TAs more concerned with task completion
  • Teachers used 'open up' talk
  • TAs used 'close down' talk

Preparedness, Findings

  • 75% teachers, no training to work/manage TAs
  • 75% teachers, no allocated time for planning/feedback time with TA
  • TAs underprepared, "tuned in" to teacher talk for content instruction
  • TAs and teachers have different levels of subject and instructional knowledge
What is something that you would like to learn more about?
What training would benefit you the most?

Conclusions from the Research

  • Students with specific support and behavior needs received more support from TAs than teachers
  • TAs support is alternative to teacher support, not additional
  • Students with specific support needs separated from the classroom, teacher, and peers
  • Training for teachers is a key factor
  • TAs having the main responsibility for teaching students with specific learning needs
Visible Thinking
Think, Puzzle, Explore

Investing in Students' Premium

Successful schools ensured TAs were highly trained and understood their role in helping students.
Photo by BES Photos

Should TAs be as effective as teachers without the same professional development?

Decisions About Deployment
Photo by ITU Pictures

Prepare students to become as independent as possible.

Decisions about Practice 
Photo by pan xiaozhen

Effective Questioning Techniques

Promoting more independence in students

Self-Help Chart for Students

  • Read, re-read the question
  • Ask a neighbor to read the question
  • Use resources in the room (charts/dictionaries)
  • Ask a neighbor for help but NOT the answer
  • If I need to ask an adult for help, I'll be clear about the bit I am stuck with
Make/create a "Self-Help" Chart for students
- Consider their age and developmental stage to create this chart.
If possible, make it bilingual: English and Chinese
Be Creative
Do a gallery walk
Practice sharing with a peer before sharing it with your homeroom teacher and all students in your classroom

When students don't know what to do, ask:

  • How can you find out about ....?
  • What do you know already that could help you?
  • What happened when you got stuck before? What did you try?
  • Who else could help you?
  • What could you teach me about ....?

TA Preparedness

  • Pre lesson preparation, TAs informed about lessons
  • Clearly set out concepts, facts, information to be taught
  • Communicate skills to be learned, applied, practiced, extended
  • Clear outcomes in terms of product and learning
  • Clear guidance on what TAs feedback should be
Reflection questions, discussion:

How do you communicate with your teacher about planned lessons?

What kinds of feedback do you give to your teacher about students' performance?

What would help you to feel better prepared to support students?

Actions to Maximize TAs Effectiveness

  • Professional satisfaction for teachers and TAs. Teachers spending more time with students with specific learning and behavior needs.
  • TAs better use of their time during a lesson
  • TAs' improved questioning skills
  • Quality and clarity of lesson plans
  • Value, appreciate TAs
  • Commitment from leadership team
What is your greatest challenge?

Building a Working Relationship

Teachers and Teacher Assistants

Teacher and Teacher Assistant, Work Relationship

Discussion: See, Think, Wonder
Photo by EJP Photo

Thank you!

Your participation is valued. 

Gina Ballesteros

Haiku Deck Pro User