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Charles Cooper

Published on Jan 30, 2017

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Charles Cooper


Up until last year I had loved playing basketball. Everyday after school I would play basketball with my friends until it got dark. In the summer we would go out early in the morning and play basketball until it got really dark out. Nowadays I don't play a lot of basketball but I still watch games every now and again.
Photo by Mike Saechang


Baseball is a sport I have liked since I was young. I started to like baseball for no real reason I just think its a fun sport to play.
Photo by EricMagnuson


I love riding my bike all around. Whenever I want to just relax and go somewhere I usually will ride my bike somewhere. I like riding it and how much quicker I can get to places than walking.
Photo by Zach Dischner


Whenever i'm bored and don't want to do anything but relax i will get a pair of headphones and get some music on my phone and lay on my bed and just listen to the music and relax.


Drawing tends to calm me down when I am stressed. Whenever I have nothing else to do I will usually draw. I love how I can create whatever I come up with in my mind and turn it into something solid.
Photo by Jeremy Roof


I like working out and jogging or lifting weights because I find it to be a good way for me to listen to a podcast and do something or just something to do when i'm bored.
Photo by FtCarsonPAO


I always liked reading when I was little and still do. This mainly comes from the fact that in books there is no set appearance for a character unlike in movies and television in a book whatever is happening happens how I perceive it not how a drawer or actor makes it appear.
Photo by RichGrundy


I like basketball, so when I can't actually play basketball I just play 2K16.
Photo by BlaM4c

Favorite tv show

My favorite tv show is Dexter, the show is eight seasons long and I love it. I only watched five of the seasons because after the first four seasons the show started going downhill.