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Published on Aug 31, 2016

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Vocabulary 2

Photo by nemodoteles


process in which by a less specialized cell matures to become a more distinct one 

stem cells

a cell that hasn't acquired a special function yet
Photo by CodonAUG

embryonic stem cells

stem cells that are taken from the undifferentiated inner cells of a human embryo
Photo by UCL News

pluripotent stem cells

stem cells that have ability to develop into any adult cell type (except placental)

totipotent stem cells

cells that can develop into all adult cell types, plus placental cells

multipotent stem cells

cells that can develop into more than one cell type, but more limited than pluripotent cells

emergent properties

any unique property that comes forth when component objects are joined to make a whole

unipotent stem cells

a cell that can only differentiate along one lineage 

theraputic cloning

the production of embryonic stem cells for use in repairing/replacing damaged tissues

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