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My Last Post

Published on Feb 19, 2016

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My Last Post

-Haley Henry

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  • The picture in the previous slide is the last thing I've posted on social media.
  • I posted this picture on Instagram with the caption "I h8 being sappy buuuut thanks for loving me even when I don't love myself"
Photo by Adam Melancon

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  • I don't like being mushy, especially online, but hey, it was Valentine's day.
  • The post was meant to show my appreciation for my boyfriend
Photo by me'nthedogs

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  • I didn't think I was trying to make an impression when the picture was posted, I just wanted to show that as a couple, we are goofy and have fun but also show that I am thankful for him.

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  • Goffman would say that this post is impression management, because of the presentation of self. I chose what I wanted to show and how I wanted others to perceive me.