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I used to think I wasn't doing anything well or innovating in the classroom and I was never going to learn to.

Published on Jul 23, 2016

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Cohort 2016


I used to think I wasn't doing anything well or innovating in the classroom and I was never going to learn to.

Photo by Bitterjug

Now I know that I have the ability to keep learning for the sake of my students.

Photo by tybeeney

I used to think the teacher holds the knowledge.

Photo by toddwendy

Now I know it's student-centered. And messy.

Photo by martinak15

I used to think OWP was going to provide me with all the answers about writing.

Photo by biologycorner

Now I know writing is an ever-changing process and I need to go where it leads me.

Photo by marfis75

I used to think I had to do it all alone.

Photo by VinothChandar

But now I know the powerful effects of listening to others, completely stealing their ideas, and making them work for my students.

Photo by sadmafioso

I used to think that "my students can't" or "won't."

Photo by Lenny Flank

Now I know they can do anything...

if I take the time to actually teach it. 
Photo by mikep

I used to think writing was a talent.

Photo by thorinside

Now I know writing is taught and learned, committed to and sacred.

I used to think I wasn't a strong teacher of writing.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Now I know I am a strong writing teacher who enjoys reading and writing.

I used to think teachers only complained when they got together.

Photo by jonkeelty

Now I know that gathering as a group of teachers can be empowering.

Photo by Giorgio___

I used to think I didn't have a great teaching ideas of my own.

Now I know I am an expert in my field.

Photo by Jaako

I used to think I didn't have a voice.

Now I know I am doing great things and I found my voice.

Photo by zilverbat.

I used to think my creative life and teaching life had to be separate.

Photo by The Tire Zoo

Now I know melding the two makes me a more authentic educator and person.


Cohort 2016

I used to think writing instruction was important.

Photo by NJ..

Now I know it's crucial to every child's education.

Photo by ASBIndia1

I used to think of teaching writing as a chore.

Photo by practicalowl

Now I know it is a gift I share with my students.

Photo by Pmltadeo

I used to think most students didn't like to write.

Photo by chimerasaurus

Now I know they just need models, opportunities and tools to create writing they want to share with others.

Photo by smoorenburg

I used to think I couldn't translate fun into growth as writers and learners.

Photo by Nicholas_T

Now I know there are many ways to incorporate those ideas and to develop my students into better writers and thinkers.

Photo by kakissel

I used to think writing was the hardest subject to teach.

Photo by Ravages

Now I know with the right tools mentors, instruction and practice, even the most hesitant writers can grow into authors.

Photo by KJGarbutt

I used to think I was a shy and scared writer.

Now I'm a confident writer and have a passion for it.

Photo by -Delphine -

I used to think I was experienced enough, smart enough or good enough to pursue my Masters.

Now I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, and I am capable of making a difference.

Photo by giuvax

I used to think 4 weeks was a long time.

Photo by DafneCholet

Now I know the power of writing instruction and the magic that can occur in 60 minutes.

Photo by davedehetre

I used to think teaching writing was black and white, right and wrong, clear and concise.

Photo by Mrs4duh

Now I know teaching writing is messy. It's an adventure. It's a process. Teaching writing should never be stagnant.