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Published on Dec 10, 2016

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Hannah Kepler
Photo by Claudio.Ar

Cirrus- wispy, feathery clouds: indicates fair weather

Photo by hehaden

Altocumulus- form between 2 and 6km; puffy balls in a straight line; medium- level clouds: indicates precipitation

Photo by alana sise

Altostratus- form between 2 and 6km; straight linesmedium-level clouds: indicates precipitation

Photo by MeteoSchweiz

Cumulus- look like cotton; indicates fair weather

Photo by Hindrik S

Cumulonimbus- towering clouds with flat tops; indicates thunderstorms

Photo by Abraxas3d

Cirrocumulus- look like cotton balls: indicates a storm

Photo by muffinn

Stratus- form in flat layers: indicate precipitation

Photo by gatomato

Nimbostratus- form in flat layers and as stratus clouds thicken: produce drizzle, rain, or snow

Photo by oddharmonic

Fog- clouds that form near the ground: occurs after a humid day

Photo by D H Wright