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Published on Mar 23, 2016

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Ecosystem facts

An ecosystem is a community of living and non-living organisms in an environment. Types of ecosystems are grasslands, ponds, forests,and estuary.

The energy flow and material
Cycles are functions of an eco system.

Sunlight produces energy to the plants and leaves through photosynthesis
At the primary levels.

Herbivores such as bugs and animals account for waste products and dead tissues,at a secondary leves of the process? Finally microbes, crows, Beetles complete the job of decomposing dead leaves and carcassej

Forest ecosystem
A forest ecosystem is small.It has lots trees living in the ecosystem.Other organism in a forest ecosystem are soil,water,insects,animal and man.

Trundra ecosystem
A trundra can include coral reefs,wetlands,and grasslands. Tundras are treeless. They are usually located in snow covered areas and mountains. They can animals and insect that don't usually grow in other areas. The vegetation is low growing,wildflowers.the climate is extremely cold.

Pons ecosystems
Ponds are bodies of water to small for waves. They are usually muddy and silt on the bottom.plants and animal, and organism live in ponds. Sunlight is needed foe photosynthesis.

Estuary ecosystems
Estuary have commercial and economic value.TOurist,fisheries and recreational activities are benefits of estuaries.The partially enclosed body of water are along coastal areas. It is where freshwater and salt water meets.They protected foem waves.They also have plants, animals,and organisms living in them.

Photo by Deni Williams

Ecosystem Community
In ecology a commitunity or bicoenosis is an assemblage or association of populations of two or more diffent species occupying the same geographical

Ecosystem changes
Natural and Human caused factors can change an ecosytem. The habitat can becomeexploited. Climate changes affect the temperature,rainfall,and sea levels. Some species
Become extinct. These changes are gradual until it reaches a certain point.

Photo by CIFOR

Tropical ecosystem
They cover one third of the earth. It is also biodiversity. Its has rich supply of endemic species. The tropical ecosystem provided ancient ancestors with wood,grains,medicine, food and other materials.

A food chain is the sequence of who eats whom in biological community (an ecosystem )to obtain nutrition